Aussie Pumps is helping the climate change response with some of the best pump packages on the market, boasting air-cooled DEUTZ F4L914 engines.
Trading as Aussie Pumps, DEUTZ OEM Australian Pump Industries produces a compact and reliable 6” inch diesel engine drive Trash Pump for flood emergencies and lots more.
It has already proved its worth and is likely to be used in clean-up operations following the recent Queensland and NSW floods.
Aussie Pumps’ Warwick Lorenz says the team developed the large DEUTZ-driven six-inch model MQ600TD pump. It can produce flows of up to 6,000lpm and lift water through a maximum head, vertical lift of 47 metres.
“The Aussie design team likes the idea of using an air-cooled 80hp engine to provide loads of power,” Warwick says.
“The pump’s internal design, a huge non-clog style impeller with an opening front port cleanout, makes it suitable for handling contaminated water with everything from flood waste to effluent, as well as muddy and sandy water.
“The big pump will handle spherical solids as big as 75mm!”
Millers Civil Contracting famously used the pump set to divert flood water and save the Victorian town of Horsham from serious flooding in 2011.
“Being able to move that much water fast from a mobile trailer mounted platform is a tremendous gift in emergencies,” Warwick says.
“These pumps have a huge cast iron body that self-primes (no priming devices required), drawing water from depths of down to 7.6 meters.
“The DEUTZ engine selected (F4L914) produces 80hp (60kw) and is equipped with a 152-litre fuel tank that enables the machine to run continuously for up to 11 hours.”
Aussie Pumps plans to build eight of the six-inch pumps, which are also popular with major mining companies like Rio Tinto and Dampier Salt.

The applications are many and varied for these big pumps.
Councils use them for emergency sewer bypass, mines and quarries for dewatering, and construction companies for chores as diverse as flood mitigation and even the diverting of streams, creeks, and rivers where bridgework is carried out.
The machine comes with e-stop, low oil pressure, oil temperature and V-belt failure shutdown. It is built at Aussie Pumps’ 2.5-acre facility in Sydney’s boutique Norwest Business District.
Aussie’s Chief Engineer John Hales selected the engine.
“We respect DEUTZ for the quality and particularly the courage to continue to focus on building air-cooled diesel engines when most competitors have gone to water cooled,” John says.
“We know that for this pump’s applications, reducing maintenance issues that can be generated by radiators, wear and tear and deterioration of radiator hoses and similar is a very positive step forward.
“Just having the operator not having to check the radiator every day is one small convenience factor as well.”
Aussie Pumpsis based in Castle Hill and was established in 1993. It exports pump products globally and dominates Australia’s mining and construction markets, with about 55 staff and 800 outlets nationally.
For information visit www.aussiepumps.com.au