Why is a Diesel Service important? 

Diesel engines are often the workhorses of a business’s daily operation. So, a regular full diesel service is an essential part of keeping a diesel engine running smoothly – and keeping your business on track. 

DEUTZ has a network of more than 70 service outlets across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands that are equipped to service a diesel engine. Globally, DEUTZ has more than 500 trained diesel service personnel with comprehensive technical knowledge and training. They know diesel engines inside and out.

Optimising efficiency

A full diesel service equals peace of mind that your diesel engine is operating as efficiently as it should. A full service can include: reconditioning of cylinder heads and/or connecting rods, checking the condition of starters, cleaning of intercoolers, checking the dimensions of the crankshaft, and the refurbishment of fuel pumps, oil pumps and/or water pumps. 

After some routine wear and tear, a diesel service may also require some engine parts to be renewed to prolong the life of an engine. Most often this will involve the replacement of spare parts including gaskets, screws, bolts, o-rings, injectors and filters. All of these are easily replaced to get your diesel engine firing on all cylinders again.

Prioritising routine maintenance 

Maintenance is a key part of keeping a diesel engine healthy, of getting the best performance and of prolonging its working life. Fuel economy, durability and reliability depend on diesel engines being properly maintained. A little TLC goes a long way…

If a diesel engine suddenly stops working, or is running less efficiently than usual, diagnosing the problem and managing it quickly is essential to prevent further damage and any losses to your production schedule. 

Diesel service equals peace of mind

Regular, preventative maintenance minimises the chances of this kind of crisis arising and prevents unwanted hold-ups and delays in your business operations. A comprehensive diesel service and prioritising the maintenance of any diesel engine that is a key part of your day-to-day business is a small price to pay for peace of mind.